Monday 22 August 2011

Suppetty Sup Sup

Arf I have been in turmoil but my mind is now at some kind of rest...

I emailed the work I did yesterday - the intro/PhD synopsis - to my Sup.  I am quite needy at the moment as I have no confidence in my ideas and just needed to hear that I was on an ok track.  I just got a reply and he has rejigged the structure (god I wish I could write without sounding like a drunk on a rant) for me but likes the ideas and said it is ready to be pinned onto my wall as My Structure.  Hurrah!  That's all he said, no compliments but I don't really mind - he isn't the complimenting type to be honest although of course something would have been nice.  Although to be fair the ideas aren't any different than I have been working on for the last few years, I have simply joined the dots and worked out the thesis that they all eventuially create.  Anyway, if it is a shit PhD at least it is a PhD!  Hehe.

So that is done, I shall print it out and use it to remember what the chuff I am on about.

My baby is napping and I am bored and anxious so I decided to come up and try and write some more of my intro.  Am kind of keen to try and write 350 words a day, then I am contributing to the december deadline even if only in a small way each day.  If I can't then obviously that is ok, but just plodding on is best.  If I don't sit in front of it for a couple of days I start to get the Fear again so it is best just to try and tame it slowly but surely ;0)

Am going to write out why it is original today as that bit is easy, and will try and do where it fits into the literature and start outlining the methodology.  Obviously it depends on when the Bean wakes up!  I can at least scribble down my key authors and theoretical influences.  Just sketching at the moment but words are words :0))))

x J 

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