Saturday 20 August 2011

Good news and new goals

Good news on the (cancelled) wedding front!

Our caterers have been charm personified and are even returning our deposit :0)  all sorted then, and the marquee peeps were cool too.  Just the venue being super proud, defensive twonks.  We are pretty sure (although i change my mind on a daily basis) that we are going to get married when we go on holiday somewhere hot in europe, at the end of September.  Just a package tour operator job, nothing fancy but still we will get a wee posy for me, a buttonhole for him and can get married somewhere scenic, which considering we were happy for the local town hall will be a pretty jolly affair for us :0)  Then we can sit back with cocktails and our candelit dinner for two (plus toddler hehe) and congratulate ourselves...

Workwise (ahem, rather a tangent there) I have realised I have to write 10,000 words a month until the end of december to get my first draft written.  This equates to 2,500 a week.  I think this makes the work easier to cope with - as long as I stick to meeting that word count then I am building up the thesis and will have 90,000 words come christmas.  Then I can make plans to have another baby.  I am telling myself (however naively) that this stage from now until christmas is going to be the worst.  Getting the first tidy draft done must be the hardest bit?  Then I am just editing and tweaking and formatting yes?  So I just get my head down now and grit my teeth until xmas then let loose for a couple of weeks before coming back to it and editing hard for three months, for the final hand-in in march.  That's my plan anyway.

Am now NOT going to start wedding hunting and daydreaming about soft, warm sandy beaches and moussaka, but instead am going to start tackling next weeks 2,500 words... 


x J

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