Tuesday 30 August 2011

Post holiday blues

Aw.  I haven't worked since thursday and have a lovely bank holiday and am now struggling.

And I have to try and book a wedding ceremony, a time with my local registrar to give notice to marry, and a holiday that all fit together neatly.  Am bit stressed, mostly because I am waiting for DB to transfer some money to me so I can book the above and then move on and do some work.

Also my internet is playing up.  annoying man.

anyway, am going to spend today writing while faffing on the internet and doing jobs. 

It is really weird for me because today is Tuesday, my normal work day, but because yesterday was a bank holiday it feels like a Monday should do.  but I don't work on Mondays, which normally gives me a nice buffer between the weekend doing family stuff and Tuesday when I am alone to work.  Is harder to sit down that even usual!

I wanted to work on the weekend but DB and I had a massive bust up that resulted in him saying that if I get to work then he gets to go out and go to the gym and stuff.  So no work for me as really wanted the bank hols to be about family.  Wasn't fair of him but I am slowly realising that he really doesn't take my work seriously any more.  Which is fine, it is dragging on and I am basically shit at working.  but it does make it hard for me to be motivated or to find time without support.  Oh well, I am big enough and ugly enough to suck it up.

x J

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