Wednesday 17 August 2011

Ho and Hum

Well...  I learnt about endnote.  As much as I can before actually using it on the job.

I ordered birthday cards for my peeps (big weight off my mind).

I did internet shopping - for the first time and it is pretty cool.  I have been really stressed about having to go and do a big shop with Bean in his pushchair as he hates shopping!  And we have no cupboard food, no detergent etc so cannot keep going and spending all my money at the local coop, so a superstore visit is in order.  DB normally does the shopping but not he has a full time job this is not possible as he doesn't get in till gone 6 and it isn't really fair.  Long day for him.  So I thought hang on!  I can do it online!  And I have, and it wasn't more expensive, and it was quicker and will be delivered tomorrow morning.  Hurrah for that.  Not having any food in is such a pain!  Especially with a wean as obviously he has to be fed - can't just get a takeaway lol.

And I have started revising my 'synopsis' and turning it into a proper piece of work.  I honestly think that a combination of needing to be less wordy anyway and my last piece of 'proper' work being for a conference I did about 18 months ago led me to think that I needed to be ultra concise, and it is hard to write that way.  Much easier just to blurt on.  Just trying to write it out as a proper piece of work has felt more natural and like I am actually back to work again.  I know - for the first time since I had the Bean.  Scary isn't it, that was many moons ago.  Anyway, I would say it has taken 'this long' but also say that doing a PhD is always a process of ups and downs and learning about yourself and facing adversity...  and overcoming these challenges and hopefully, hopefully, I am finally on my way.  I would love to have a few thousand words down.  As a 'synopsis' this intro is already 1000 words so with more detail, explanation and thorough referecncing (ug I have been so lazy so far) it should turn into something I can send to my Sup.  Even if it is not strictly for the intro, but ends up being a mix of intro and lit review it is at least writing.  You can't edit nothing.

So I feel bad I haven't worked more, but pleased I have sorted out my little jobs ad got some headspace.  And am feeling happier so can be a better mama.

Am going to ask the childminder if she can start looking after him until 4pm from, well, tomorrow I hope.  I need the extra time and it would be good for Bean I think as I am *rubbish* with him between 3-6 as I just cannot concentrate on him - my mind is on work and how little I got done, I can't cope with his demands for attention and am just not much fun.  He will get good lovin' with the childminder while I get some blinkin work done.  I was going to have to extend the hours in September anyway.

I feel quietly excited.  I would be so happy to get some writing flow going...  To know what was coming next and feel that I could get on with it, rather than constantly wondering what the heck to do (which is very demoralising).

DB and I are going out together tonight for dinner!  No reason but we haven't been out together just the two of us since March.  If then!

Off to get the little dude.

Quietly excited!

x J


Anonymous said...

Hi jayney - just wanted to wish you well with your work and let you know that I am all done and dusted (you asked me to let you know when I was done - I'm the mad woman with the 18mth old who WAS doing a PhD in German literature). I submitted at the end of Feb, had the viva mid May, and had my 'minor deficiencies' signed off a couple of weeks ago. The thing is hard bound and it is out of my life. I have been following your ups and downs, and can only say that much of what you say rings true with how I felt. I can only say hang in there and keep writing. It will come together, you won't believe that now very often, but it will. You will then put it all behind you very, very quickly. Good luck with it all, Jenny x

Numpty said...

Wow Wheeeeee well done! I will try so hard to hang in there as you say, and keep writing. You are so right that I don't believe it will come together. It makes it so hard to keep working when you have no faith that there is any point ;0) I will keep trying though and thanks for pointing that out, I shall try and remember that it will be something someday, just not now... and I cannot *wait* to put it behind me! Far far behind... anyway well done, well done! x J