Tuesday 7 February 2012

Exciting Times

So, personal crisis sort of over I am back properly.  I am also out of the doldrums of existential angst thanks to DB hurrah!

We went away over the weekend to get away from horrid work and house and demands and life generally and came up with an ace plan to go travelling for a bit at the end of the year :0)  I am SOOOO excited and cannot wait.  I am dreaming of palm fringed beaches, beach huts, grilled fish and rice, snorkelling and calm turquoise seas :0)  Bean will be nearly 3 so potty trained etc and the thought of him spending every day with us and the sea and sand and just chilling out (haha, he will be exhausted more likely) is a dream!  We want to go to NZ, see a few people we know in Oz and I would like to go somewhere a bit kinky (well, with a toddler!) like the phillipines, soloman islands or fiji.  We only really properly talked about it last night but are both hugely excited and are getting together a rough plan.

This has served to give us a real sense of purpose and lifted us out of the horror that is just working to earn money, to get a house, to have another baby, to just exist.  We are going to live!  To relax for a few months, and then come back refreshed and ready for a new phase of our lives down south when I can get a job and then get preggers and we can start afresh.  It also means we have an end in sight for living oop north which, as much as I love it, I think it is time.

Which is so bizarre because last week I thought I wanted nothing more than to stay here: we have a nice house, nice jobs, well, we are just settled, but we didn't realise that we weren't settled so much as in a horribly unrewarding rut.  We love love love travel and experiencing other cultures and learning new languages and even though this is a home-from-home adventure really we would love to see Oz and NZ and see our friends and have, I suppose, relatively safe adventures, being with beanie and all.


So now my PhD seems like just a small thing compared to a big plan that takes us to nearly this time next year.  However, the PhD is also looming rather large.  In fact it is right in my grille ;0)  I have no time to do a LOT as I have wasted the past two weeks being a quamire of, well, utter shit.  Having a goal to work towards is really very motivating :0)

God as well, my hands are really swollen!  Why?  I can't wear my rings and so this is freaking me out.  I have to make a doctors appt but am frightened!  I shall, I shall.  We have a history of rheumatoid arthritus in my family so am frickened, I don't want it.

Righty.  Must make my new plan and do some work!  head out of clouds!  Might just quickly buy a guidebook or two first :0)

x J

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