Wednesday 1 February 2012


I've nearly done it!

Whee!  Am well out of page 11!  I just finished that bit then the next whole section of about 10 pages was just dandy! 

I am off now for some r and r, then shall come back, check this last section (which I have edited before so i know it is fine) and then this avo just need to make sure the intro and concl are representative of the, largely tinkered with. whole. 

I still have some refs to check and one sentence to neaten but i know to look in a certain book and get a quote so that is easy enough.  I can't be bothered to do that now, i shall do it when I am generally going through with my pedant stick at a later date.

Then I shall be DONE with editing this chapter hurrah!  It is tip top toodally bing bong.

Tomorrow I shall be back to reading for the discussion, hurray!

x J


Clare said...

Out of desperation, I googled 'how to make your really bad phd chapter good', and it led me to your blog. I'm a funded 'fulltime' Phd student, three young children, and I lecture in a local college one day a week, though this seems to take up an increasing amount of time. I'm in year three and writing up (which I need to move from being a state of mind to being a state of actually writing up!). It is very nice to come across your blog.

Numpty said...

Wow, I take my hat off to you! I have one child and no job and i find it tricky to get work done. Well, I suppose i am getting used to it now but to start with it was hard to find the time.

I think I shall write a quick entry on how to make a bad PhD chapter good ;0) I will need it when I come to sort out my next one - I always forget! Writing up in year three is fabulous progress seeing as it takes most of us the full four to complete. You have aaaages and somewhere in your brain I expect you know this and so are not stressing out, which is a Good Thing.

Good luck!
x J