Tuesday 21 February 2012


I saw my sup yesterday...  It was a good meeting, lovely to have someone talk to me about my work who knows more about it than I do.

I learnt that I have to stop reading now.  That actually at this stage it is not time to start learning more, but to work with what I know.  I am so happy and actually think I just needed someone to give me permission to stop reading.  The articles I still have to read (about 25 journal articles) are always there on my kindle so I can get them out and skim read for a reference/quote when I am writing about something relevant.  For old skool texts that are used by undergrads/MA students I have been advised to put them in the biblio but waste no time reading/re-visiting them as my knowledge now is likely to be more up to date and developed.  Yay!  I have been advised to write and write, and if I can't write then at least think of sub headings for any one chapter and then raid my notes for quotes to put in them.  I can jiggle these around later and are a good way of getting words down and forming ideas to write around.  I shall do this.  I learnt that the discussion chapter is actually the conclusion so I should write as if I am doing a conclusion: summation of the thesis, what this means/why it matters and then the implications of this.  Is not complicated.

I am bummed at the moment though because, although I have my laptop back, it does not have Word.  So I am having to write on some crummy Word-a-like that is nonsense.  Consequently, the formatting is out of the window, the spacing is all wrong, spellcheck does not work and the wordcount doesn't exclude footnotes and is buried in some file instead of nicely at the bottom for me.  And endote doesn't work with it.  I feel like I am working with blinkers on!  I will have to ask DB (again) to fix me some Word out asap.

Today has been a bit of a disappointing work day.  I have spent it doing admin - saving and filing docs so I can open the right ones without overwriting, and also copying other stuff so I can write on this stupid work-a-like and not mess up old work.  Such a pain.  I am scared of starting the discussion chapter and my brain will not cooperate.  I think I have sorted out the subheadings but really, with this non Word programme it only feels like I am playing at writing.  I can't really get into it when I feel in the back of my mind that I might have to get rid of it all anyway or re-write it.  (This is probably just an excuse mind.)

I cannot wait to finish this and hand it in in two months time.  And I am also completely terrified.  I have sooooo much to do and so much of it is finickety attention to detail stuff that I just *hate*.  I just have to keep thinking about when I finish and what an amazing summer I am going to have... :0)

Better get on!

x J

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