Wednesday 29 February 2012

Sooooo Poorly!

Oh crikey, today I am even more ill!

I can't work today :0(  My fingers ache, I shiver - I can't move off the settee.  I got Bean off to the childminders (oh lord that was hideous) and have to pick him up again later...  but other than that am good for nothing but watching tv and shivering in three tops, a fleece and with the fire on! 

The worst thing is how terribly guilty and worried I feel about work.  I cannot afford to have time off, I am a week behind!  I keep telling myself that any work I do today would be rubbish anyway, most likely incoherent and would probably take all day to do what would normally take an hour...  And i should probably switch off today and come back fighting fit tomorrow.

I am really stressy and guilty about it all though :0((((

x J

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