Wednesday 30 March 2011

Better today

I am feeling much better today.

It was so nice to wake up this morning knowing the abstract had been done and handed in...  It is quite exciting waiting to hear back; I feel like I have actually done something proactive toward my future.  It really is somehitng considering I never wanted to have to do conferences, let alone apply for one off my own back.  How we change.

Today I am sorting out my lit review.  I have worked out which theme to start with and I have until 17 April to get on with this.  Then I shall review my progress. 

Now I need to go through any info I have already on this theme then look up books to get out of the library and journal articles I can download and print off.

Did some hard triathlon training last night - ran 2.5 miles to the pool, did an hour of hard swimming training (we typically swim a mile or 70 odd lengths in 45 mins) then ran home again.  I was *tired*.  Annoyingly though i was totally wired, my heartrate was still going like the clappers at 12am!

x J

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