Monday 7 March 2011


Oh I am ill.  So very ill.

The bean was ill on Thursday - sick and bad tummy and still isn't better :0(  And now I have it though am just feeling sick, is like a milder, more grown up form but insiduous and makes everything really hard to do.  Needless to say work has stopped.  Am gutted.  But concentrating makes me feel sick.  And the baby wants me to read him the gruffalo all the time which also makes me feel sick!

Am soooo sad that work has been interrupted when it was going so well.  Am not sure that I will work tomorrow; I think I will have to keep Bean off from the childminder's and may even take him to the docs as it has been nearly a week now. 

Being a working mum is so hard.  If the baby is sick all the plates you manage to keep spinning just drop and you feel so guilty for not working, for not earning your wages.  But what choice does one have?  I tell you, after this PhD is over I will do everything I can not to have to work until the youngest is in formal childcare (school).  It's just too stressful!  If I wasn't 'working' then I could always just be there for my child regardless of how well or ill they were.  That would be my job.  Really, having kiddies and a job is like having two jobs simultaneously.  Something's gotta give! 

x J

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