Wednesday 16 March 2011

Job application

I am going to apply for the job my Sup has nudged my way. 

It is very exciting!  I spoke to DB about it last night as obviously if i was to get it we wouldn't be moving down south but rather sideways to a city we have never thought to live in before, just for a couple of years.  I won't get the job as I have done no teaching and am as yet unpublished and I am sure there are a gazillion applicants - the uni is a good one in a nice place and at entry level so really Very Delectable.  However, the applying bit is quite exciting in itself.  That I am sticking my head above the parapet and seeing what is out there for me is a whole new life thang and shows lots of willing to DB who ahs always been sad when I have said i don't want to be in academia.  I have really realised though that I do!  I do want to be an academic!  I would be so proud to get a job, be lecturing and doing presentations and the like.  And the travelling would be cool.  And I asked my Sup if you can be a part time academic and he said with the budget squeezes on Uni's now it is almost normal to be part time.  Hurray!

I am hungry.  DB dropped bean off at the childminders this morning for the first time ever but still I am only just settling down to work.  I have been busy googling my friend from swimming and she is definitely the associate dean of my department!  Oh. Em. Gee.

Got to work.  have only today and tomorrow to try and finish this second edit.  Tomorrow night I am out exercising like a banshee at bootcamp and friday I am going to go out and drink lots of G+T to celebrrate my Birthday next week.  Hurray!

x J 

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