Thursday 31 March 2011

Sick baby!

Arf the baby is ill today so no working for me.  Well, I am trying to do a bit while he naps tho really i would like to nap too!

He isn't that ill, just a dicky tummy and bit of a temperature and he was pretty needy last night.  enough to keep him off the childminders but not so much that he needs medication or is that bad for me.  Am not complaining, am so very happy to have a reason to have to hang around with my wean ;0)

Workwise I have lots of articles to read that are fantastically current so should be back in the saddle with current debates relevant to my thesis soon.  I shall go into Uni next Weds and get the books that I need and update my uni card - it expired last July!  Don't think I can even get uni books out with it as it is, the system doesn't seem to recognise me eek!

Better get the work done while i can then.


x J


Anonymous said...

hi jayney
jenny here = the similarly mad woman to do a phd and also have a toddler. You asked me to let you know when i submit, well, I managed that on 28th Feb - my ultimate deadline. I won't pretend that the last few weeks in particular were easy, but it is submitted, and I have been getting back to some kind of normality the last month or so. I have been reading back over your last few entries. Sounds like you have had a tough time of it. I can empathise SO much... do be kind to yourself, you are doing an amazing job. A PhD is such a stressful business and that is without the practicalities of looking after a little one, and the guilt that comes with having to work when you want to be with them. You also seem to be doing so much on the domestic front....hope you can rectify that - get all the help you can. And make sure that you drum up some help for the last bit - proof-reading, referencing, really helped me to know I had my husband helping me out in the last few weeks and a friend to read at least part of the thesis (mine was in English, but with citations in German - spellchecker gives up the ghost at about 10 000 words in!!). The best of luck anyway, you are doing great. x

Numpty said...

Thank you thank you Jenny :0) You are so kind to post. And brilliant fantastic congratulations on submitting! I am very inspired!

Thanks for your support, it means a lot coming from someone who has gone through it. it is easy to talk to friends or PhD colleagues but it sounds like whining unless you really know what it is like... Hard!

I would love to know how you get on. Are you nervous now about the Viva or just plain relieved? I hope you have a holiday or something booked!

x J