Thursday 1 September 2011

Great work!

I am working!  I am doing good work!

I am editing my (10,000 words long) empirical chapter and already can see so many errors.  The intro is all wrong and failed to explain the argument of the chapter from the off.  It also fails to explain how the chapter links to the the preceding or following chapters, and to the thesis as a whole.  These are fundamental!  It is also evidence-led, rather than argument led.  So I need to go through and completely change the structure so it is following my argument - what I have interpreted from the information - rather than simply being descriptive (so and so said this, which shows this...)  I have yet to sort out what my argument is, and am worried that this may take some time.

This should provide a much more grown up copy.  I think, as well, I may be close to working out why it needs to be two chapters.  This would be, like, awesome.


x J

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