Friday 2 September 2011


So, for a punishment and to appease my guilty conscience I made myself sit with my work out last night (didn't do much but the fact it was there ruined my evening) and am now working on it while bean naps.  No down time for me!

That's all really.  I have to get a lot done before we go away in three weeks so I can relax.  Am working out how my empirical chapter actually fits into two chapters and think I have got it - I need one chapter on what other people have said, and one about what the actual aid-recipients said.  In fact I have realised that a years old version of a chapter may fit the bill but sadly I can't find it.  I expect I overwrote it.  I am sure it is on a disc somewhere but were that is I know now.  Anyway, thinking about it I reckon it was actually split into two chapters in the end. 

Now I am going to think about whether I really want to split it up, and if so plan a bit more copy and pasting over the weekend ;0)

It's crazy but in town the weather was so blazing hot I felt sick and thought I would definitely be getting the paddling pool out this afternoon, but 3 miles away at home it is gloomy and very windy!  chuh.

bean will wake soon and make me stop which is a pain but hey.  And then later I look forward to a BIG glass of wine and some pizza.  hurray!

x J

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