Saturday 10 September 2011

weekend working

Am working again!

My PhD friends are all writing up fiercely now, and keep puttiing on FB encouraging stuff wishing all us writers 1000 words...  and that we can do it.  Is so naff but really it is inspiring and cheers me up because I feel I am in it with other people instead of being alone.  Yesterday was tough though because I had Bean and couldn't work so I just felt like such a slacker!  No 1000 words for me.  I endeavoured to work during the hour and a half it would have taken for DB to see to bean's bedtime then I could have a glass of wine and celebrate lovely Friday-ness with a clear conscience but DB didn't come home!  He stayed out boozing with workmates instead.  And by the time I had got bean sorted it was gone half eight and I was so tired I just couldn't face opening my work - mostly because I am at the beginning of a chapter which means i have a lot of organising and thinking to do to get it up and running.  So I had wine and watched outnumbered and went to bed early. 

I am working now though instead!  DB has had to pick up his car from work and is ordering our wedding rings on the way (!!) with Bean so am home alone for a couple of hours.  Excellent!  I am sat on the floor of my lovely big 'office' (spare room) and have lots of paper all around me and a hand written explanation of where this chapter is going that I plan to type out to remind me where I am headed with it.  It is rather disconcerting having a whole new chapter materialise from nowhere, I am so very familiar with the other chapters and the thesis layout that this one feels like an alien.  I am not altogether sure it will work either but am going to give it a go because even if it doesn't form a new chapter, the info will go somewhere.

So I better get on with it.  I wish you all 1000 words!  We can do it!

x J

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