Sunday 14 April 2013

back, thank goodness

Ah.  Today I have a lot of time to work, thank goodness.

I have so much to do, and yet so little.  not enough to warrant putting it off for a year but then enough that without childcare etc I am worried it won't get done in time.  This worry is making me less than sociable and I keep crying at DB about the pressure of being a stupid housewife along with being heavily pregnant, not sleeping, having numb fingers (makes typing and writing notes interesting) and looking after Beanie AND trying to finish work when NO BUGGER (him) will help me out.

So he is helping out :)  Gave me a big cuddle and everything even tho I clearly said that being married sucks if it means I am basically a cleaner (but then, true if you do as much cleaning as me).

I have to get some breakfast as I am starving, and get on with reading this article I need to address in the intro (prob the lit review bit) veer quickly. 

yesterday I knocked two points off my to-do list which is GRAND and added about 1000 words to the thesis overall.  As far as I am concerned the conclusion is now done, but have sent to Sup to confirm.  I also tackled the stuff in the methodology the examiners wanted me to expand on (which I HAD done then sup told me to take it out...  so I put it back in with a bit of editing).  It really is so different working on it now to a few years ago, or even last year.  I now read not to learn so much as to just pillage what knowledge I can as quickly as I can.  Like an editor would I suppose.  Good practice for marking essays I guess...  (not that I will ever do that!) and writing papers without spending HOURS on it etc.

Today I am going to just work as fast as I can to address as many points as I can.  Want it FINISHED!

x J

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