Friday 19 April 2013

Getting there

Am so nearly there :)

Just got back from my last ever meeting with Sup, and last ever visit to a Uni - certainly as a student!

We went through the list of corrections and I have little bits to do here and there...  the translations and formatting will take the longest rather than brain work.  He helped me cut a few corners so I didn't get too bogged down in reading and is confident I shall have it wrapped up in a week or so (by Tuesday in my world!)

Then I shall have to wait on bureaucracy.  I can't send in my revised thesis until I have received the formal report - apparently what I have is an informal email just to help me finish this beggar before I pop a sprog :)  (very kind of them).  And then I can send the thesis for binding, and then hopefully someone will take the thesis from the copyzone and walk it over the hall to the research admin  hub where they can then formally accept it.  However, they may not want to do The Walk insisting instead that I do it myself, or I might need to sign some release papers, or have someone pick it up by proxy... 

So whatever happens, Tuesday will not be the End as such, but it will be end of any serious brainwork (unless the thesis is sent back to me for better corrections tho Sup thinks this is unlikely) and then is just a case of sending it off at the optimum time, to the right people. 

Exciting times!

So better get on with the last bits while I still remember what they are.  Have until 5 today to work, then am working tomorrow while my family go out for a picnic at the beach (sob).  Will chill out tonight as am shattered - baby not letting me sleep!

x J

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