Tuesday 9 April 2013

I feel so blue!

Oh eck.

Just got the guts up to email sup and say I am going to defer :(  I feel like such a loser.  DB says that I felt like this when I was organising maternity leave for beanie too, I don't remember and don't know why I would feel like that tbh!  It is my legal right!  I can't help being the lady.

Anyway. This time I feel it has gone Too Far!  What with sick leave last year etc :(  I feel like such a pain.  I wish the work would just be DONE but there is just too much to do.  The two case studies and extra literature for a start...  am due to have a baby any time after two weeks which is a momentous thing; I mean, I have to push the beggar out and haven't given it any thought because work is taking up all my brain.  I can't go to any evening preggers classes because I am committed to working instead.  But I can't even sit at my desk for long because my ankles swell so badly and I get pins and needles/numbness in my hands when typing.  It's not cool.

In myself I am perfectly happy with my decision.  Now I have realised I can't finish before the baby comes I am looking forward (in a way) to coming back to it and it will give me something to sort of work towards in maternity leave - rather than just being a SAHM for the foreseeable.  I am knackered and know that in a year my brain will be back and itching to think about something other than baby puke.  I have the thesis written, have even done the viva (phew!) and will have a comprehensive idea of what needs changing.  And I will have the three months to do it in - not just 2/3 weeks like I have now :)  That would be great :). 

Just feel terrible telling Sup, and terrified of telling Uni.

If only DB could have got pregnant with this baby!

x J


Clare said...

You do what's right for you, what you feel is right. No guilt. The dissertation isn't going to vanish into thin air, but your baby will only tiny for a small while. When I had my second baby, I found it was my first bubs, then a toddler, who needed me more actually. And who's to say you don't get a massive burst of motivation in a couple of months time and polish this off much faster? No guilt! Do what's right for you. You've achieved so much already.

Numpty said...

aw you are kind. Have felt like rubbish about it all day :( Apparently it might be ok tho and I can finish it?! That would be amazing but if I don't I shall take your advice and I won't beat myself up about it.

Thank you for sharing your experience :)

x J

clare said...

Even better, finish and be done! If sup has given you the vote of confidence that seals the deal, finish the thing off forEVER. (Btw, you deserve a really easy labour after all this :)).