Wednesday 17 April 2013

Conclusion chapter all done now!

Sup has emailed with some teeny corrections for the concl which I have done while Bean plays 'washing up' (drowning the floor in water in the process. I am, ahem, studiously ignoring it).

He thinks I am doing well to have done all the work I have but to be fair, he hasn't looked at it yet :(  It is rough around the edges to say the least.  Is so hard doing this while up against such a deadline.  Am terrified am going to go into labour at any time which is upsetting enough because, obviously, I want to be able to look forward to meeting my newborn not be bloody stressing about fecking up the PhD!

Ho hum.  It will all work out.  DB has really kindly offered to do a shorter day tomorrow and is taking Monday off so I can work. 

Am just so tired and don't feel well.  I know my body is telling me to stop, stop, stop.  Brain is knackered!  But I can't and bah.

Corrections report is in the post.  Am dreading it, can't bear to look at what I have missed and have yet to do!

Am really whiny, sorry.  And I got myself into this pickle! :)  I suppose I had no idea that after submission everything would drag on for so long!

Great news is that a lovely local nursery have managed to find room for bean to start next week, for one day a week.  Ahhh!  Bliss!  he will love it, and the routine will help him (us) settle down into our new lives I think.  He is not happy at having moved house at ALL.

Am not working now, but will be back at around 6ish to spend the evening doing my translations.  Hurray!

x J

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