Tuesday 13 March 2012

Cracked it

Ha ha!

I have cracked this buggering chapter :0)  I have managed, well, am managing. to write a discussion chaopter that draws on the contentions and findings of the research and show what this means for how we think about x,y, and z.  very exciting and it is all making sense, is nearly planned and have over half the text written and a lot more to do - but I know what to write so this is a good thing!

hurrah!  I worked out that for this chapter I need to keep referring to my past chapters as if they were references, keep drawing them in to the arguments I am making so it shows how the research has been useful.  Also stops me going off on tangents on new ideas/research.

Am so pleased and feel confident I shall have the chapter done for the weekend.  reckon will finish sat afternoon. 

Am really annoyed because it is 12 already and I have a doctors appt at half two.  I have to go because I don't want to!  if I cancelled it would be very silly and possibly something I regret but still, it bugs that I have flow and have to go and sit in a stupid doctors surgery.  I hope they aren't running late or I shall have no time when I get back to do any more work before getting the wean.

Anyway, is a joy that it is going well!  Also, having this chapter nailed makes the intro and lit review seem much easier.  phew. 

x J

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