Sunday 11 March 2012

Oh toss

I worked pretty well yesterday...

I managed to sort out my plan and it was all looking lovely, then in the afternoon I sat to write.  And got up, and sat back down again and for some reason I just couldn't write.  Then I realised that the first section I was trying to do was actually for the lit review, so copy and pasted that over to my lit review chapter.  Then sat do work again.  And realised, finally that what i had planned to write was virtually my thesis again!  My plan for the chapter was along the same lines as the arguments I have already proposed! 

So I realised that this chapter is *not* a regurgitation of the thesis (!) or a whole new chapter of new research and ideas (I was in danger of doing this too) - but is to answer the question 'so what?' about my findings.  This chapter is where I have to own my findings and contentions so far - which is pretty scary because I like to keep them hidden in my chapters.  Being all out and proud about them and justifying them and their contribution to contemporary IR literature is really scary!  What if my findings are a load of nonsense?!  So really, this chapter is quite a learning curve for me and my personal, academic development.  I have to say these are the contentions that I have made, MY contentions, and this is why it matters to the different literatures in my field.  How will it change how people consider humanitarian behaviour in post-disaster contexts for example?  But all the time drawing in theory and using debates.  I don't like it!

So there we are; I have, at last, worked out what a discussion chapter is!  Am such a slow moron.  but as my friend kindly pointed out sometimes doing a PhD is all about these workings out and this process of learning and we all do it in different ways at different rates.

So knowing this today is going to be a fabulously productive day.  When I have got rid of this headache and my coffee kicks in ;0)

 x J

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