Saturday 10 March 2012

Working ok

I have to confess that I have a crushing weight of expectation on my shoulders which is not helping me work.

I am also staring at the time and constantly berating myself for not having done more work.

I have also found out that I am pregnant again today :0)  Shhhh, is ridiculously early days but I am, at the mo, and if I was to find out I wasn't and something had happened I figured I would want to post about it as obviously, I think that would affect my work!  But yay!  Am delighted!  And for me it means that something bigger is happening than my PhD, that gives me focus beyond my submission date and well, is another thing to aim for - being able to sit and be preggo and happy and NOT thinikng about work.

These things are hampering my concentration!

However, I have done some work.  I am sorting out what the chuff this chapter is about - there are far too many words and not enough actual information and it is scrambling my brain.  I am getting it all together and then this afternoon I aim to write at least 500 words.

I think I am going to have to accept that this chapter is not going to be finished for Monday.  If I think this then  can work, if I try to aim for Monday I have soooooo much to do I just feel like I can't breathe and want to run away.  I shall plod on and hopefully today I will finish at 6.30 knowing I have written lots and know what this chapter is about, so I can come to it tomorrow and just get on with it straight away.

I have my PhD friend coming over tonight.  I decided, although I want to be on my own to work, work, work, this is where I went wrong last time I had the weekend to myself... It helped me procrastinate knowing I had 'all the time in the world'.  This way I can only work until 6.30 so makes me feel like I ought to crack on.  I also want to see my friend, she is having the worst time of it in the world at the moment (really, puts PhD stress in the shade) and I want to see her.

I am going to do more work.  I shall work until 12.15 then slope off for half an hour.  I seem to be working best at an hour on, half an hour off at the mo - it is saturday... and really, a big day for moi and I am all on my own, fizzing with excitement and slight nausea ;0)


x J

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