Saturday 17 March 2012

deadline je-jig

Ha ha!

I have re-jigged my deadline :0)  This means I have a whole extra week to complete this chapter and two weeks for my lit review, 10 days for my methodology and 10 days for my intro/concl chapters, which is amazing.  I can do all I need to in that time :0)  This will only give me a month after submistting the draft for editing but I am confident it will be ok - i will work all night every night for a month to get this done, no worries!

Am sooo pleased, not least because today I am just completely shattered and dying for a nap!  I have written another 700 words between yesterday and today so far and aim for another 500 - 1000.  this looks like it will be about 10,000 words when finished as I am nearly at 8,000 now!  is lovely though because it means I obviously have content and I would always rather cut back than trying to think of new material!  Also, working 'guilt free' deadline wise is so much more pleasant.  There is no WAY I will miss any more deadlines, I cannot afford to only have three weeks to edit, especially as it is not really three weeks as I have to have it bound etc.

Anywho, am off to work!

x J

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