Sunday 4 March 2012

Hate Working

Arg I am really really disliking working today :0(

I have been stuck on the house for over a week and am starting to feel crazy and very unhappy.  I am too ill to do anything strenuous though and Bean is really poorly and must stay in.  Tomorrow will be another day in just him and me - can't get any friends over for a flu party ;0) 

ARG.  I hate it!  And work SUCKS!  I am doing it but it is dull and I am not entirely sure what I am up to.  I hate that 'need to write' stage yet you aren't quite sure what direction the chapter is going in...  And I know I have to write anything, but just really don't like working that way.  I like to be more organised that that!

Anyway, yesterday I wrote the obligatory 500 words, and today I have juggled these about, written some more, done a good intro paragraph for my intro chapter and sorted out my subheadings for the discussion chapter.  Now I ought to start some writing for said chapter but am unsure what, or WHY.  WHYYYYYYY and I can't be bothered to rummage through notes and write stuff out when in the ack of my head I am freaking out that I may have to just delete it all when I 'come to' and get what the chuff this is all about!


On days like this I think it is wise to have a 'write 500 words then leave' policy.  That doesn't seem so stressful -  500 words is enough that it puts a dent in the overall mammoth taks facing me, but not so much that if it is rubbish when I come back tomorrow that I have wasted all that time and effort. 

I shall do that.  500 words it is then BOOM, I am out of here.  Hopefully I will know what I am writing and why by then?!

x J

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