Tuesday 25 August 2009

Back from Jollies!

I am back! I didn't mean to take the week off but I did... which I really enjoyed but feel very stressed now!

I didn't have any internet so didn't go online, which was lovely. And I did try and do some reading (I took lots with me) but it was taking me ages to read one page when at home it would take minutes so thought I should just take some time off and work hard when I got back... which is now ;0( arses.

Have spent the morning so far unpacking and reading emails, sorting out maternity leave, and getting very hungry. Am going to get some food in a bit, then will start work! I guess I will have to turn the internet off to get any serious reading done. Maybe even the radio too. I have almost exactly three weeks for the deadline for the journal paper, which I have found out is actually a preliminary deadline and is likely to be extended - the actual deadline is the 10 Oct which is grand. I will get a good written draft for the 15 Sept but not worry as much about getting it read through and checked by someone by the 1 Sept so I can hand in a polished version for the 15. With this new discovery that the deadline is a flexible one, and my Sup's advice that I don't take it too seriously at this stage - that the paper is just rough for now so they know what I am talking about and then if they want to publish it (unlikely, me being an unknown in a sea of famous faces) I can tidy it up properly. No one will see this draft so... I shall not worry too much but get the work done - for 'tis part of a chapter after all.

Uni is hard work at the mo. I am seriously winding down in my head because of my Bean, it is hard to think of anything with any focus but him. Am starting to know why people say don't get pregnant and try and do a PhD. It is no bad thing, I am still working, I am trying to work hard and focus and am gritting my teeth and getting it done. But it is definitely a clear second in my list of interests at the mo. I am going to finish though if it kills me, I am nearly there! Nearly there, I can see the finishing post. And anyway, I would never want Bean to think he ruined my chances of my PhD, that would be awful. So I shall do both with all my will and then I can chill. Forever if I like! It's a strange one, hbow having a baby takes over all your thoughts, evey waking moment (and sleeping now, dreams are being a bit mental) is spent thinking about Bean. What is there to think about?! I don't know! I just do. Arf. I will succeed though. I will.

Anyway, today is first day back after a week off. Am bound to be dopey! (And a bit sulky?!). I shall ot be having this bank holiday off... I will have Saturday off and will probably work quite badly (as I know from years of patterns thinking a bank holiday won't affect me but it does!) but nevertheless, I shall work.

I haven't heard from my RA about the translations. Oh sh*t oh sh*t he isn't going to do them is he?

x J

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