Sunday 16 August 2009


Well, I was meant to work today and did I?

Yes! I read a paragraph! And then slunk away and watched ridiculous tv for hours, and hours, and hours...

If anyone watches Big Brother I would like to say that Bea is a total whining wench. And is really annoying me because that will be Beanies name if she is a pinkie! Baby Bea.

Tomorrow I am not going to work in the morning because I will be nervous for the scan appt we have at 11.20. So I will try and lie in and get up as close to that time, allowing for some good breakfast, as possible so as to prevent time for worrying (and excitement?!) Think pretty much planning to have the day off tomorrow, apart from planning what work to take to my Mums, though even if I don't take any I am confident I will meet the deadline. I will take some though just so I have a reason to spend some time hiding if I want some chill time - you know what families are like! I really wish I was one of those people who can work regardless of their deadline and get it done early. I would be streaking ahead if I could do that! Instead, I skive. Bah.

Happy Mondays y'all, wish us luck for tomorrow!

x J

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