Wednesday 25 April 2012

Back on Tuesday...

I have managed to re-organise my work deadlines to meet my new submission date of the 30 June, which, I believe was a grand step forward and has put the fear back into me about how much I have to do!

I have decided to come back to work on tuesday, just to get my 'faffing' out of the work for my proper return in two weeks.  I have decided not to try and wangle any more writing-up time but am going to  stick to my old, very pressured deadlines (a chapter in a week anyone?!) and Get It Done!  Think this is a good idea as it will help me move on and anyway, if I have more time I'll probably waste it AND I am sick of my work now - I want to hand it in, even if it is shite! 

I have signed up for a 10k nearby in July too, something to exercise for, and have got my italian guidebooks in the post for our lovely holiday in september :)  I have ALSO got a wedding to go to next weekend that I have got a new dress for and ting.  We are off down South for the bank holiday to visit my new neice-in-law and eat pasties :) 

The future is bright (and hopefully has a doctorate in it somewhere...).

Offski now!

x J

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