Sunday 8 April 2012

much better

much, much, much better today for not worrying about work.  So happy.  Am never going to go back to work again ;0)


x J


Clare said...

Hi Jayney, have not been interacting with the virtual (or any) world much since I got negative feedback from my sup and have been in a pathetic bubble of selfpity since. I read a few week's worth of your posts this morning and I had a little cry when I read that your pregnancy might be in trouble. I so hope the next scan brings good news and you are completely right to dump work for the cocoon of your family. Will be thinking of you.

Numpty said...

Thanks Clare, that's so kind of you to think of me.

What's on with uni? Am sure it is nothing that can't be fixed - your sup is there to support you not criticise to the point of writers' block? Is there any little part of it you can work on/read up about to just move forward a little bit and get your confidence up? Overcoming adversity is all part of getting the PhD :)

x J

Clare said...

New week, new start and all adversity will be overcome! I work from home which is some distance from the uni so can be a little like working in a vacuum sometimes, I am going to meet my sup next week and all will be well. Working on two chapters at the moment so concentrating on getting them done (even if in 'bad draft' form) which will be good for confidence. Have now come to terms with just getting chapters written (they can be improved later!) rather than de railing myself with impossible perfectionism. I hope you have a great week Jayney!

Numpty said...

That sounds positive, good for you! yes 'bad form' is fantastic - editing is the easy bit, writing it is the hardest bit and best got out of the way. Getting over the perfectionism to actually 'create' is all part of progressing and as you write more you will become a better writer anyway... ;0) Tis just the way of things.

Good luck!
x J