Tuesday 17 April 2012

feeling better

because I am not working :)

I am not going to work this week!  DB has told me catergorically not to and to wander round the house, eat chocolate and watch tv all day.  I shall do this.  I have three weeks added onto my previous deadline as a consequence of my sick leave and for some reason I was determined to work through this (chuh).  now, I am not as the stress of work and needing to achieve is messing with my head and making me iller!

I shall take time off, chill and find my equilibrium again and when this horror is all over come back fighting.  Sort of.  Sort of limping to the finish line (still don't really care about the finish line tbh).


x J


Anonymous said...

hey, i've been with you for a while now, and i too am combining motherhood with ph.d. it is so hard, isn't it? i find that experiences like the one you are having now really bring into sharp relief how amorphous research is - it is real mostly because you write it so, and are able to convince others of this. but as you know, you've cared enough to get yourself this far, and after a few days rest, you may find yourself able to care enough to carry you a bit closer to the finish. good luck to you, i send you a hug and a tea break!

Numpty said...

Aw thanks! Maybe rest is what I need, but i can't help but feel I am dropping the balls and won't find them again if I take time off now.

I hope you finish and good luck!

x J