Saturday 7 April 2012

WARNING - depressing post alert!

So I was meant to work this morning but DB went out for a quick trip to the gym and didn't get back till lunchtime!  by which time I had lots of time to dwell and analyse every twinge and nasty pain and get all afeared and now I am meant to be working but I can't concentrate :(

I am totally screwed.  Totally, and utterly screwed.  I did not think for a millisecond, after having the best, easiest, pregnancy with Bean that my next pregnancy, my celebrate-life-and-finish-Uni baby would be such a nightmare.  I might not finish in time now; I probably won't.  Uni will be penalised re: funding and I will be in the shit.  i really wouldn't want to have to bring this up in every interview which asks why I went over my deadline?!  I can't work and working this weekend was *vital* to meeting my deadlines.  I cannot concentrate, I cannot care that I can't concentrate.  I am so angry that I have to concentrate but I am over a barrel, whichever way I look at it. 

I don't know if you can get retrospective sick notes - I doubt it.  I could get a note for the two weeks following my mc, maybe but i would need those weeks to recover and in the meantime it is *this* week I need the note for.  My Sup is going to be mental.

I hate that I am going through this and the one thing at the forefront of my mind is this fucking course.  I am very angry about this, at myself as much as anything because my deadlines are so tight.  It is how I work best though, and I really did not know this was going to happen.  I don't think anyone factors in a 'death' contingency plan when planning deadlines ;0) 

I desperately want to switch off and look after myself but I know the best thing would be to work.  I suppose I just wish things would start happening (if they are going to happen, which I think they are) then I can just stop work and focus and start to move on mentally.  It's the being pregnant but not being pregnant that is killing me. 

Fucking hell, I hope no bugger has to read this!  It is great having this blog though as a diary of my PhD.  I looked through some old posts yesterday and so much has happened that I don't remember and am very grateful for my record, this is important too.  I mean, I am meant to submit in 7 weeks!  wow, that would be cool.

I think I shall have to mope about for now and do a LOT of evening working when I am better.

The thing that gets me too is what if everything is ok really, and baby really was hiding in the scan?  then I would have missed my deadline and all for nothing.  I would have no sick note, no excuse, nothing but also no work. 

But I would have a healthy baby... and so the rest of it can go jump off a cliff I suppose ;0)  I guess I would work night and day with a smile on my face if that were the result.

x J

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