Friday 6 April 2012


Arf I was up at 7am and started work by half past!

Admittedly I had a terrible night's sleep and woke up angry having gone to sleep on a barny with DH.  Apparently I am being too breezy on FB and he is worried about what his friends (who know about the mc) will think.  Naturally I went mental about censorship, private grief and thicko gossiping.  I am not going to waer black and stop smiling - surely if I can smile that is a good, cleansing thing?  And, anyway, facebook?!  Since when has that been a real-life portal into anyone's world?!  Haha. 

anyway, we have made up and he saw the error of his ways.  Sometimes, and he would absolutely disagree with this and laugh at my pompousness (?!  word?!) but I feel that being so deep in my PhD makes me able to analyse anything to death and tear arguments apart in a really clinical 'there are three principle, irreconcilable points in that statement DB'.  I don't argue in a normal way, but am very analytical and just sometimes feel a bit ruthless.  Is most odd and will stop when I finish work :)

I am knackered and feeling mentally unhinged today.  I can't emphasise to DB enough how important it is that I sleep a lot at the mo to cope but he does really like to read in bed before going to sleep so I lie there all thoughts raging.  My head is full of PhD, and still thinks it is pregnant so I am shattered while also trying to cope with the fact I am *not* pregnant, and all the rest.  Is a lot to take on and I didn't sleep last night and today I feel precarious and a bit mental.  Damnit.

My bubs is crying downstairs, I shall go and get a cuddle.  I am working on a bit of conceptualisation and it seems to be ok; I shall return when I feel less unhinged (ever?!).

My lovely, lovely mum-friend submitted her PhD yesterday.  I am so very proud :0)

x J

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