Thursday 5 April 2012


I am not working today.

Well, I have not worked today *so far*.  I blame both my emotional rollercoaster and my husband, who is off for easter and bumbling about downstairs and making me feel like having a holiday too.  I also feel very sorry for myself today which is not conducive to working so much as watching catch-up tv and eating easter eggs (Bean has too many...  I am doing him a favour!)  (I have not been doing this by the way, but have been at my laptop since 10.30, avoiding work.  I have eaten one of Bean's easter eggs though).

I am going out for lunch with DB in a min and aim to work when I come home.  I don't know if I will, I might just not.  DB is around for all of easter and has said I can work when I want (no waaaaaay.  Support!  Hurrah!) so will work for a few hours tomorrow and over easter.  I have a week to finish and it certainly looks like that is achievable so I think I just can't be arsed to flog myself when I am just Not In The Mood.

I know this is stupid but I don't care ;0)  This is how I roll!  Some days I work like a machine, and others I am dopey.

I am freeeeeeezing cold.

Righty.  I am off to mope about somewhere until I can 'get ready' to go for lunch, warm up, offload mopiness onto DB's shoulders and return this aft too full and content to work ready to write a gazillion words.  I think I may need a strategy more than just 'sit and write' today, seeing as my inner rebel has come to play.  Maybe jujst ten minutes here and there will get me concentrating.  Small goals.

I know *exactly* what I need to do, I just need to sit my bum down, stop surfing the internet for miracle baby stories and do it!

Ach, whatever, it always gets done in then end ;0)

x J

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