Friday 13 April 2012

Month off

Ah I have been signed off for a month! All buggered wit baybee but we are trying to move on.

It isn't completely true, of course, once a PhD student always a PhD student and so I will actually be back to work on Tuesday as DS is with the childminder as per.  What else will I do?!  And I am super keen to finish - can't believe I have only weeks to go.

Sup is ok about my time off.  I am not telling him I am really working because I need the sicknote as a cover in case I do fall flat on my face and can't work.  Can't have the weight of expectation on my shoulders.  Not meant to be back at work until 8 May - this is the week after a wedding I am going to where everyone I know will know of our travails (ug) but it will be a grand occasion to drink and chill and celebrate love and life and come home and move on from this horror.  Anyway, in the meantime I aim to finish my lit review and have the methodology under way.  This weekend I shall revise my timetable and become aware of my new submission date.

anyway, am off until Tuesday.  Bliss.

x J

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