Monday 16 July 2012

Bourbons for Breakfast

Bean is in childcare today, unual for a Monday, so this week I have a four day week.

I have a lot to do, but have also had three days off that were lovely and have a nasty combination of Monday morning blues and frisson of excitement that I have the house to myself for hours and hours.  Eek!

So I have cracked open the biccies already in a bid to soft soap myself into working...

I have yet to open my chapter.  I shall do it now.


I should like to lounge around today like a big lazy happy hippo.  However, I shall try to resist temptation.  Instead I shall edit the copy and pasted notes I er, copy and pasted on Thursday and change the refs frem harvard to footnotes.  Pretty boring but also pretty basic and Monday Morning-y.  I don't think anyone should be made to do difficult things on a Monday morning, but Tuesday will be fine. 

I am sooo sleepy.  Hmm.

x J

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