Thursday 12 July 2012

Working Against the Odds

Oh today has been a constant uphill struggle!

You know how usually you might not want to start work but when you do it is all ok?  I am not having one of those days!  I am having that day when you loopk at it, do some, do a bit more, leave it, mind wanders off...  back to it...  leave it...  it is plodding.  Plodding, plodding.  BUT I have done it!  I have been to it and done something with it three times which I think is impressive considering the huge metal effort it took just to open it once :) 

I haven't exercised today either.  Today I feel apathetic.  I haven't even really eaten, which is most odd for me.  Today I want to do nothing.  Nada!  I think getting Bean home will lift my mood, despite the fact I obviously can't even be arsed to parent a toddler!  hehe!  I am so silly.  Having him home will brighten my mood am sure - maybe I am not good at looking after myself today and can put my energies into looking after him.  A cuddle will be nice anyway.

But I digress.  As I suggested I should do, I went back to the chapter and started on one of the subheadings :)  I looked at my subpiles of lit and started to pull out the ones relevant to this section and was so pleased to see that there are a few that are relevant (am living in fear that what I am writing and the lit I have won't match, meaning I have more reading to do/have been barking up the wrong tree for three years) AND all the others have their place in my plan AND I even have a couple of subpiles that link sections nicely :)  This is ace!  And I have written nearly half of it and have a LOT more to go, which is so much better than not having anything to write eh?!  I reckon this chapter will be about 10,000 words which is probably about right for a lit review chapter.  Still can't be arsed to do it though, am just happy sitting back and marvelling at the fact it might just come together.  And then feeling very frightened that it won't.  Honestly, having this chapter done will be absolutely amazing and a real boost to my sanity.

I crave company today.  Not a good day for working; if I was in an office I would chat a lot today i think. 

Not doing any more I don't think.  I might write myself a note of where I am at so when I come back on Monday (or over the weekend) I know it is ok.  I really want this chapter done in two weeks time.  I don't see why this can't happen if I apply myself properly. 


x J

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