Wednesday 4 July 2012


I did some good work today!  Not much of it, but what I did in my sporadic moments was great! 

I realised another whole section of the lit review I had not thought to put in (!) and now it really does feel very rounded and thorough, but in a focussed all-about-my-thesis way.  Which seems obvious but actually I have found it really difficult not to do That Thing You Are Told Never To Do in exams, which is write about everything you know in the hope you hit a target and get some marks ;0)  This, my friends, is what I did in the chapter of awfulness (discussion).

And the excellent thing is that if I get the outline for this chapter right, which I am within sniffing distance of doing, I shall have the discussion chapter set too.  And having these two chapters done, well, would be AMAZING.  Then I would only have the methodology to really sort out, then the intro and conclusion I am hoping (probably hideously erroneously) will write themselves. 

holy shit, then I could be almost near handing something in!  I might actually be able to put together a thesis!


butterflies in my stomach thining about it!

So looking forward to coming back to it tomorrow and hopefully, hopefully opening up the doc and being chuffed with the outline I have got and able to start writing.

I am not sure how to 'start writing'.  I think this will be quite a spluttery stammery start.  But for at least two of the five sections of the chapter I know what I want to write, and where the literature is (thanks to my new sub-piles!) and this has to be a good thing.

I also have to go and eat cake with my heavuly preggers friend tomorrow.  (If she doesn't jib out on me like last week!)

I feel really fucking pleased.

 x J

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