Wednesday 12 September 2012

Let the Thesis do the Organising

A tip from my Sup.

He emailed me back and has basically told me that I am writing too much!  Apparently I don't really need a methods section and only a para on ethics, in the intro!  And apparently I don't need a lit review either, just about 3000 words in the intro...  I have managed to write 10,000 words!  i sweated over those words

My heart sank into my boots because although this is obviously fantastic news as it means I have practically finished and am sweating the small stuff too much, it also means that if I followed his advice mty thesis would only be 60,000 words long!  Where would I make up the rest?  I desperately don't want to revise my contentions chapters as they are all written, re-written and re-written again and, as far as I am concerned, need never be changed :( 

So I emailed back about this and said that I wanted to keep the theory section I had written, and said why and said actually I wanted the methods bit to be longer than a small bit of the intro and explained why, as my methods are really integral to the theory and my arguments.  And he emailed back and said that I should let the thesis do the organising, but to keep the methods bit shorter rather than longer.  This is interesting, letting the thesis organise me, because that is actually really important and lends a sort of instinctive element to the work.  I feel that the methods bit has to go in, whether i like it or not, because it is important to the thesis. 

I like that I am not needed to labour under it though :)  Hurrah, less work to worry about when I get back!  Holidays here I come!

x J

ps I can't believe I have been told I work too much!



Anonymous said...


Have a great holiday, you deserve every minute of it.
I fell off the wagon mid Aug, just got sick of the whole thing and ended up with some virus, rash all over my torso. Anyway not to grumble, I signed on to read your blog for inspiration and motivation to climb back on the wagon again. Mimi.

Numpty said...

look after yourself chuck, listen to your body and take some time out if you can. then just do ten mins :) 'ten mins of something is infinitely more than ten mins of nothing' (or just buy the joan bolker book which is who I am constantly quoting!) x J