Wednesday 23 November 2011

Blinking gastro virus

My poor toddler has had a really nasty tummy bug since monday night.  Awww.  So I have done no work!

I have had the week off to look after him, but have dragged my sorry arse up to my study to do some work this evening while DB looks after the wean.  In all honesty, apart from the puke and the grotty nappies and the worry and the washing (oh my word - SO much washing) it has been lovely!  No really, I have spent the last two days sitting on my settee and having gazillions of cuddles from my darling boy and actually, he is a very good patient.  And while he slept on me yesterday I managed to watch over 2 hours of 'come dine with me' and another two of 'four in a bed' - the kind of lovely daytime tv that I never normally get time to watch and snooze in front of. 

Not being able to work has been a bummer though.  I have come up tonight as I shall still have Bean tomorrow while he gets his strength back so won't have done any work this week and am getting to the point where I would rather just not work.  I can't take long away from it or all the flow and motivation just vanishes.  Like, on Monday night I was super stressed about the fact that I would have to take time off this week to look after Bean - not that I blamed him or anything horrible like that, but it has been stressful not being able to work - and today I had to drag myself upstairs to work!  In that time I have gone from being totally motivated to not really caring and rather hiding from it.  It is scary.

But realising this in itself has been an eye-opener and the fact I am here says something about my commitment doesn't it.  I decided that even if I only spend an hour up here but manage to remind myself of what I am doing then that would be an achievement in itself, let alone doing any actual work.

DB is cool with the fact that I will be working all of saturday too.  Sunday avo I have a birthday party to go to for Bean - he and his little buddies from my antenatal group are all turning two now so we are having a partay for them.  AND I need to exercise.  I dunno how I shall fit it all in.

Work must come first though.  Sooooo to concentrate my mind...  Tonight I shall:  print off the chapter I just completed so I can proof-read it again (UG really don't want to so think I shall do this sort of informally while looking through) and use it for its partner chapter.  I shall read through the intro I have written for the new chapter and see what content I have (about 5000 words apparently, though of what I am unsure) and look through my scrawlings to see if I can find the point of it.  Hopefully it is really well written and really clever ;0)  I don't think it is.  THEN I will need to read my philosophy peeps as their ideas (that I have long forgotton apart from the bare bones) are fun-da-mental to this chapter, and also will need to be fed into the last chapter to tighten it up a bit.  But no biggie.  In fact, reading these peeps will scratch an itch that has been driving me crackers for, ahem, a year now but I just haven't had time or inclination.  Now is the time :0)

Righty, old chapter: open.  (oh no, please I don't want to look at it!)

x J

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