Saturday 26 November 2011


Arf, I stopped crying after a while and have got on with some work.

I had a look at my calender for writing-up and had to do some serious revisions to it, which has left me with only 6 weeks to do any re-writes, instead of the desired three months.  I definitely need a month.  Oh crikey it really is getting down to the wire.

Then I spent a couple of hours adding to my previous chapter!  I came across a point from my fieldwork, that was exclusive to my fieldwork and just had to add it in.  It is the only bit in my whole empirical stuff that draws from personal experience, from what I saw when I was travelling about etc so I needed to put it in and it sounds pretty good, like I actually did something other than turn up, interview a few peeps then spend five months on holiday ;0)  However, it has also added 1000 words onto that chapter!  Eek!  And it sounds a bit conversational (how can it not when you are saying about how you travelled here and there and saw this and that and chatted to a a vendor here and a taxi driver there?!) and it needs some proper analysis on it.  At the mo it is a bit 'i think that' which isn't really very analytical.  Will have to read that stuff first tho!

So I am off for lunch now and hope to come back for an hour.  Then I am looking after Bean while DB goes to the gym and shall read the paper and be silly.  Then I shall make sausage and mash for tea and try not to lament the fact that I didn't do any work on the proper chapter today and be pleased that I wrote 1000 words of totally new material.

Be pleased goddammit!

Back tomorrow.

x J

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