Thursday 10 November 2011


I did lots of work today hurray hurray! 

have nearly finished re-jigging the first chapter of my empirical stuff, just need to finish the necessary copy-and-pasting and then read through and make it make sense.  And then read through and make it sound clever ;0).  I am doing the copy-and-pasting tonight in front of the tele (I know it's bad but I have only just got the little dude to sleep and want some down time before bed.  This is as good as it gets!) and will do the thinky-work over the weekend.  DB has been forewarned that I shan't be around much this weekend, and anyway they could do with some bonding time without me.

I really hope to have this chapter done by the end of the weekend, then I have three weeks until Dec, when I would like to have written the next chapter.  The thought of a) having the empirical stuff DOWN so I never have to look at my interviews or notes from India again and b) sending my Sup two complete chapters is very exciting!  I would love to be able to move on and start on the discussion - then I really will feel like i am getting somewhere.

Pleeeeease nothing get in the way! (like childminder having to be off, or bean getting ill, or me getting ill, or DB randomly inviting people to come to stay...)  fingers crossed!

x J

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