Wednesday 16 November 2011

Evening all

So it is the start of my first evening shift...

My DB has come home early (well, not fannied around at work when he should be coming home) and is looking after the wean for the evening so I can do some WORK hurrah!  I plan to work until 8/8.30 depending on hunger, tiredness, work and Bean.  I hope to miss having to put Bean to bed altogether (I do it every night and the thrill of sitting in the dark cajoling a toddler to go to sleep is wearing thin ;0)) and skive at my laptop then skip down the stairs for me tea and some tele before bed. 

I did good work today, despite having to be at the hairdressers for one and a half hours.  What I was there for for that long I don't know; I hardly have any hair, I didn't have any colour or fancy schmancy stuff done (never do, I hate fancy schmancy stuff) but anyway, I was.  But it was fine really, I have nearly, nearly, nearly got this chapter done.  I have got the word count down to 7,500 and put lots of it into my next chapter which has brought that word count up to 5,000.  That is pleasing as the aim is for 8,000 wds per chapter.  If I could have both chapters done by the end of next week I would be a very happy lady indeed.  Tonight I need to go through this chapter with a fine tooth comb and riddle it with lots of quotes from various sources from my fieldwork to look like I talked to loads of people and back up every argument.  I then need to make sure all my arguments are linked to theory in some way, so they look well clever.  I need to make sure that it flows and isn't jumpy, and that the intro and conclusion state what this chapter is about, what my main contentions are and how it contributes to the thesis as a whole.

Then I can relax. 

Pretty sure I am not going to get all of that done tonight but I hope to make a big dent in it for tomorrow.

x J

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