Tuesday 15 November 2011

boo and yay


I did LOADS of work on Saturday!  I worked all day until 4pm.  It was great! 

Sunday didn't work though.  DB needed to go out and run off his cabin fever, then when he came back it was lunchtime so I agreed to going out for lunch so we could chill and have some family time before I came home and worked...  Got home and by the time I had put Bean down for his (very late) nap it was 4!  And I was full and snoozy!  So I didn't do any work.

Also, I went swimming last night and on the way home thought that maybe my empirical chapters were getting rather too bogged down in analysis, rather than being demonstrative.  An example of this being that I don't have enough room ini my word count to put many more quotes from my research but I need to put in a LOT more quotes.  SO I reckon I should get on with putting in these examples of my research and leave some analysis for the discussion and conclusion.  NO bad thing. 

It has made me fret though that the work I did on Saturday may end up being defunct...  I think I may have messaed around with something that was perfectly fine the way it was but needed a bit of smartening up.  Being a busy fool basically.

Today I am working my socks off.  I am so motivated by the thought of never having to look at my empirical stuff again!  I would LOVE to be in the position where I 'only' have my chapters left that don't need much original research, like the discussion, lit review, intro and concl. Eek and methodology.  Hmm maybe I have quite a bit to do ;0)

Anywho, am off to procrastinate for ten minutes then shall worky work work.

x J

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