Thursday 17 November 2011

working away

Still working!

Worked last night until 9pm, put the baby to bed, had some tea and watched tele till about half ten, then went to bed and couldn't turn my brain off until gone midnight.  Oh dear.

Am tired and a bit stressy today.  Bit bored of looking at this chapter and the house feels so quiet and empty - am a bit lonely ;0)  Looking forwrd to getting my baby tonight and chilling with him tonight and tomorrow and putting work OUT of my mind.  I was thinking about it this morning and ignoring Bean and by the time I had come to he had managed to make a right mess of the bathroom and landing and I have a house inspection from the estate agents tomorrow (makes me feel about 12 having my house inspected.  Grrr) so I got cross.  I feel really bad about it now and it is now making me unable to concentrate on work!  how backwards is that?! 

I hate working and being stressed about work and trying to be a Mum, I am not very good at it!  Particularly now he is entering the terible twos.  Some of the stuff he does is just so annoying!  Like why pull stuff off the counter, or throw your big heavy toys, or knock stuff over?!  WHY?!  Because he is a toddler and he can't help it.  Bah.  My worries about work definitely affect my behaviour, my general sunniness and my tolerance levels.  Poor Bean.  I just can't compartmentalise my feelings/worries very well.  But I must learn.

So today I am proof reading and editing this chapter.  Hopefully the content is all there now, just needs neatening and tightening a bit.  Then I can move onto the next chapter, which would be such a relief!

x J

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jayney been reading your recent posts and feel your pain. Hang on in there...try and break your chapters down into their relevant sections. That way the thought of having chapters to finish feels much more doable. And whatever just keep writing - you will be able to edit so quickly when you have the bones of it, and you can see the end in sight. Am sure your little one is doing just fine too. THey are very resilient. take care. jenny