Thursday 10 September 2009

Busy day!

I have been so busy today!

Sorted out my office - it was almost as bad as if I was moving out... Got everything out of all the corners, threw lots of bits of rubbish away, emptied half-used filing systems and hid them in a wardrobe... got all my files out and put all the paper into my lovely, lovely, LOVE:Y new boxes. Now all I need to do is go to my 'methodology' box, or my 'uni admin' box or 'lit review' box, pull it out and go through it for a particular source, or to get out the running reading list I have for that topic, or to start/revise that chapter and all the info I have collected/cut out of newspapers/made a note of over the years is in there! Brilliant, brilliant. And I found the sources i was missing earlier, they were part of another chapter's info thank goodness. I was quite upset.

I even moved my desk around. Before it was half in front of the window. This was problematic I realised because I lived in closely terraced houses whose yards overlook each other, like on Corrie if you watch it, and the man opposite doesn't work (seemingly, but then seemingly, nor do I...) but smokes constantly, outside his back door and usually looks up to my window. Not in a pervy way am sure, but it is offputting nevertheless. I didn't realise this until I realised I was hunching over toward the side of the desk away from the window so I could have some privacy! Such intrusion was making it hard for me to think without being conscious of something all the time - being watched. I also realised that generally facing a window was distracting as it was too easy to look out of and to stop thinking/lose a thought. I have moved it then so it face into another wall and my boxes and the lamp, with the window to the right, so am right by it should it be open which will be lovely, or if the radiator is on which is also lovely. It also means I can have the reassuring presence of the great outdoors and see it easily enough, but not so I am distracted by it - or watchable! The actual desk is a pain, it is actually a kitchen table and very low and enormous! Very deep. So need to get a new one but we shall do that in time.

Tomorrow I am working... back to my 15 minutes attempts, motivated by a weekend off I hope. Am so unfocussed it's ridiculous. I have to keep in mind tht my ma is coming to stay a week on Saturday, and Uni starts on the 28th... I want to have this written for the 28th really, so I can send it to my Sup and look all productive for him. He is bound to want to see me and having nothing to show would be awful!

x J

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