Sunday 6 September 2009

I have a plan!

Right, I have spent the weekend planning and organising, ready for a new leaf!

I have organised all the thoughts and worries I was having re: beanie, so I can worry about that out of work time. Have generally worked out that I don't need to start organising beanie things (cot etc) until the beginning of Nov. That is a long way away! All other thoughts are for pleasure (daydreaming) and so should be done in my own time not at my desk!

I have sorted out money worries (I don't have any but do have beedays to organise and buy for next month) and plans re: beedays, me and Bean and xmas.

I have tried to exercise, failed because it gives me bump-ache (not good!) and ate lots of crisps and chocolate instead. Eek.

I have sorted out that work wise I should stop trying to work on the intro as it is halting me, I am totally stuck on it. So I shall come in somewhere else, and write anything I know about it, just do some writing. I will also only work for 15 minutes, try and just get used to sitting and working. Slowly but surely.

So there we are. I have to know that if I don't start working properly very soon I am going to mess this all up. Which I do not want!

So until tomorrow!

x J

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