Wednesday 30 September 2009

Ffffffff Whine

If it is possible to be too pregnant, that is what I am... I didn't post yesterday because the day was rubbish, I did very little but admin stuff (chasing up the library about a library book I didn't actually have/re-enrolling/sorting out funding info etc) and then just boobed around on the internet. Felt quite rubbish by the end of the day and do again today.

Was quite miffed yesterday really because I got really late notice about a friend wanting to come and stay. I was feeling v pregnant, fat and tired and the thought of having to clean and tidy the house, make up the spare room, fill the fridge and put on a jolly smile was doing my head in. And today is not much better! In fact I am in tantrum mode today and really want it to all go away, so I can just spend the day going for a swim (to counteract the 'fat' feeling) and settling into writing my presentation. Instead I have been informed this morning that said guest (who is a friend but is using the place to stay whie she finds somewhere to live, not to visit us per se, so is not quite like I invited them and am now having a sulk about it) is arriving at lunchtime and then realised I am going to have to feed them UG - what do non pregnant people eat?! Salad stuff I guess?! I just eat whatever I can be fussed with in the daytime tbh (healthy, like soup but you can't feed three people one tub of soup!) or have some eggsies or whatever. Arf, maybe I shall take her out for lunch and then I can get some chocolate cake, a bit of perspective, and give DB some space to work...

I am looking forward to seeing her is just all the stuff around it. Also, tomorrow is a big Beanie day as we are 27 weeks, at the end of the second trimester, (woo!) and we will only have ten weeks until he is fully cooked (and I have maternity leave PHEW)! This is really exciting but we won't be able to do anything about it all day which for some, probably hugely pregnant and unreasonable reason, I am resenting. Even though we are going out for dinner in town and then going to a comedy gig (has been booked since May, so looking forward to it!) in the evening! So guest will be here on their ownio which is a bit wierd but cool I guess.

Arf, am being a good mate, DB keeps saying it, and there is no way I would let my friend know how cross I am about the whole thing - is all very petty I know. Is just that I was given no notice and I feel that my hefty preggers status has been completely overlooked and it is the fact I work from home has been translated into 'so you are free at the drop of a hat' which I begrudge. Yes, I work from home but no, it does not mean I am going to spend the afternoon dancing for you but in fact, I have work to do! You know, like as if I was at work?! So I will just rant here and then plaster on a smile. Am off to make up the bed in the spare room now, which will give me bump ache for the rest of the day but, you know, WHATEVER.


Workwise I am going to try and settle into writing my presentation this afternoon but will have to work in the kitchen so don't know how well that will go down. I really want to have it sorted for the end of the week (she is leaving on Friday; when? I know not) and have a good idea of how my chapters are reading. Arf, it ain't gonna happen is it?

Not heard from Sup yet about the work I sent him... I don't know if this is a good or bad thing but am getting increasingly scared. Also not heard from any of the translation people :0(

x J

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