Monday 7 September 2009

So pleased!

I have managed to do about hmmm... three hours of solid work today!

Doesn't sound like much but actually it is amazing how much you can get done in three hours of actual concentration - not staring out the windows or taking a single beak. BUT for me that time was spread out into chunks all day and so I managed to stay on top of other stuff that bugs me (emails)/stops me from concentrating (boredom)/makes me happy (facebook) and do my work. And I worked so well! I have a *great* intro sorted out (if I say so myself), all my ideas are written down now and it is a really good template from which to start work again tomorrow.

Funny thing is, last week this seemed soo hard - the work as well as getting down to work - but today it just came easily, the plans I have done are so helpful and everything I need to write is just there, ready to access.

The only problem I have is that I am not sure if this paper isn't a bit full on. More like a phd chapter than a paper? I can't imagine how I will present it to a conference in 10 minutes... is this a sign that I am overegging it a bit for a conference and should cut it down a bit?

Am not sure, this is something I will think about this even' time. For now I am off to skippety jump into the bath before heading downstairs to finish off my chicken stew I have made for dinner. That's another thing - am being super-healthy today and also went for a walk. A very good start to the week! (about blinkin' time!)

x J

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