Tuesday 15 September 2009

Ummmm... *blush*

Ok. I haven't done any work. I have sat and been hungry for most of the day, shuffled my notes, written long, well-edited emails, tried on a pair of jeans that don't fit and done some laundry.

And moped about, being tired. I am not tired because of pregnancy or overwork, but because I stayed up until gone 2am watching series two of Dexter with DF in bed. I know, I am baaaad but it is really good!

Am in two minds about how to spend my day now. Do I a) try and make something of it, go for a walk, do some work and snap out of it? Or b) have a shower, put on my trackies, mope about on the internet and take the day off (having made lots of promises to excel tomorrow)?

It's only half one, bit early to decide to skive and I have nothing better to do so I shall do some work. Yup. In my trackies and in a moping way, with lots of internet breaks. I would like to get some work done though. Deadline is ok still so am still not worried or would be working away regardless of feeling slightly sorry for myself.

x J

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