Friday 4 September 2009

Fed up!

I am fed up. Fed. Up.

I have done no work, this is bad.
I have tummy ache, this is bad.
I won't eat anything healthy as it makes me feel sick, which is why I have the tummy ache. This is bad.
I can't conentrate on anything, flicking hither and thither and being a total manic freak. This is bad.
I can't go swimming because I have to go to the hospital to look at the maternity ward. This is bad.
I have to interact with a midwife lovely person. This is bad and will undoubtedly make her feel bad.
I want to have KFC for dins and this is bad.
That I know this is all bad makes me feel bad and this is... Bad.

Good? Hmmm. Not sure. Just waiting for today to be over so I can start a new working week next week that is productive and not so sulky?!! Why am I in such a sulk? Why don't I just a) do some work even for ten minutes; b) go for a walk later; c) eat KFC and get over it.

I think I may be in grump because I got on the scales this morning and am 3lbs over the weight I should be. :0( I don't want to be a big fat fatty! I have feelijng sorry with myself because I have a load of PhD to sit and do, plus being a fussy preggers lady both battling against my brain which says I should eat veg. arg veg NOOOOO.

Off to hosp, then shall probably mope around later until DB feels sorry for me and we get KFC.

x J

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