Tuesday 17 January 2012


Aw bugger I have done nothing today!

Well, I have thought a lot about stuff completely unconnected to work, pondered my future, felt a bit bereft without Bean charging around, had a bath and a fishfinger sandwich...  looked up some references, downloaded some more articles onto my kindle (I LOVE my kindle for work!  love love love!  No more printing!  No more lugging tonnes of paper around!  Easy to read, boookmark and take notes on cause I can squish into the corner of my settee, have notepad on lap, pen in one hand and kindle in the other - no pages to turn hurrah!  No more photocopying at uni either yeah!) and bought a book.  Begrudgingly as i will have finished this work in 5 months time and won't ever look at the book again, but then it is massively important and I can't wait for the uni to order it in.  Oh, and I sorted out my revised timetable for the First Draft that will take me up to the end of March.  So that has been my day!  Rubbish!  And I have no intention of working tonight to make up matters.  Tonight is DBs tax night so I am looking after bean then watching tv then going to bed at 10pm because I am soooooooo tired.  And feel all snoozy and happy.  I am rubbish at working when I am content.  Fact.

Tomorrow I plan to read three articles.  I am also working tomorrow night but may do references then in front of da tele.

x J

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